Carpet Cleaning After Flood

Flood damage can create a lot of problems in your house. Carpets damaged by flood are very difficult to clean up and not suitable for use without proper repairs. You will have to get rid of contamination and water. Carpet cleaning after a flood requires expertise and specific products. If your carpet has been exposed to flood for a long period, you might just have to throw it out. However, early action can save it.

Flooding can cause contamination which leads to mold growth, bacteria, and floor damage. All of these problems can pose health risks as well.

Assessing the type and severity of flood damage to the carpet, you can take a few steps to clean and dry it out. If there’s fungus growth, leave the job to experts who have experience with flood damage restoration.

Carpet Cleaning After Flood

Flood Type And Carpet Damage

Flood Type And Carpet Damage

Flooding can be caused by several reasons. Heavy rainfall, basement flooding, sewage flooding, and burst pipe flooding are the most common reasons for carpets. Different types of flooding cause different damage due to water contamination.

Clean Water Flooding

This type of flooding is usually caused by rainwater, burst pipes, and flood disasters. Usually, this flooding contains clean water and does not contain contaminants. It’s easier to clean and disinfect.

Gray water flooding

Carpet cleaning after floods caused by contaminated water is difficult to clean up. Gray water means that there is a moderate amount of contaminants. This type of flooding can be caused by basement flooding and toilet flooding.

Black Water Flooding

Black water is highly contaminated so carpet cleaning after this type of flooding is highly difficult and dangerous. This type of flooding is caused by sewer backups and drainage pipe leaks.

Dealing with any type of flood damage requires immediate clean-up for saving carpets, rugs, and other items in the house. If you are not equipped with the right tools, you should contact emergency water removal services before it’s too late.

Common Causes of Indoor Flooding

There are several reasons why you became a victim of indoor flooding. The most common cause that comes to mind is being hit by a natural flood disaster. But you can create a flood disaster by your negligence. Here are a few causes of indoor flooding that can damage your carpets:

Common Causes of Indoor FloodingHeavy Rainfall

Rainwater can enter your home through the main door, windows, and even cracks in your walls or roofs. If the gaps in your windows and under your doors are not sealed, the rainwater will flow straight inside your living space. Most living spaces don’t have drains apart from the kitchen, laundry, and bathrooms. In this situation, flooding will damage your carpet and other other items.

Basement Flooding

If your basement has a leaking pipe or broken drainage pipes, it will cause basement flooding. This water, if not drained in time, will creep into your living room and bedrooms. This issue will lead to flood-damaged carpets in all places of the house.

Sewage Flooding

Broken and clogged sewage drains will eventually cause a mess in your house. A broken sewage line will leak all the contaminated water into your home. This type of flooding is highly dangerous and can lead to bacterial infections, bug infestations, and mold and fungus growth. Carpet cleaning after sewage flooding will be very challenging.

Water Reservoir Leakage

If there are any water reservoirs outside your house, basement, or roof, they pose a risk of flooding in case of any water damage. This water will end up inside your house and cause damage to carpets, rugs, furniture, and other property.

Tips for Carpet Cleaning After Flood

After assessing the type of flood damage and water contamination, you can determine whether you can clean your carpet or hire experts for the job. If the contamination is low, you can clean a damaged carpet in the following steps:

Water Removal

The first step in carpet cleaning after a flood is removing excess water from the premises and the wet carpet. Wash the carpet first to remove all the contaminated and stagnant water.
There are a few ways of getting the water out of your carpet:

⦁ Use a vacuum over the wet carpet to suck all the water. You will need patience with this process because the vacuum will not be able to remove all the water in one go.

⦁ Put the carpet on a surface that will allow water drainage. If you cannot squeeze the carpet, place heavy objects on it and apply pressure. You can also put a layer of high-absorption cloth or towel to soak some of the water.

Dry the Damaged Carpet

It’s ideal to take the carpet outdoors or at least to a place that has a good drainage system. This way, you will not only protect other items from water damage but also speed up the drying process. If you cannot do that, open all windows and turn on all air vents for ventilation and air circulation.

Using a dehumidifier is an ideal option after a flood. It will remove excess moisture from your house and dry out your carpet quickly.

Use a Steam Clean Cleaner

Once the carpet is completely dry, use a steam cleaner to clean it. This will remove any trapped dirt and pollutants from your carpet.

‍Baking Soda

Carpet cleaning after a flood can be challenging if it was exposed to contaminated water. In case of gray water and black water contamination, you will need a strong cleaning agent. Using baking soda is an easy and cheap solution to this issue. This will kill any mold or mildew spores trapped in the carpet fibers. Baking soda will also prevent and remove bad odor from the carpet. Sprinkle a big amount of baking soda all over your carpet and let it sit for 10-15 hours.

Scrub the Carpet

After the baking soda has been sitting on your carpet for the required amount, scrub it off using a stiff bristle brush. You can use a vacuum cleaner to pull out any remaining soda from within the carpet or rug.

When to Call 24/7 Service Pros

Following the above mentioned steps will restore your carpet to its original state. However, if you are unable to thoroughly clean and dry your carpet, call 24/7 Service Pros. The experts will restore your carpet and all other flood damaged items from your house. Flooding will also put your house at the risk of mold growth. Mold inspection and prevention team at 24/7 Service Pros will help you avoid a bigger disaster that comes after flood damage.

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