Water Damage Restoration Company in Hollywood, FL

Welcome to 24/7 Service Pros, your top choice for water damage restoration in Hollywood, FL. Our skilled team is devoted to delivering top-notch services designed to tackle and conquer the obstacles faced by homeowners and businesses after unforeseen incidents. We are available 24/7.

About the Hollywood

It’s a bustling city known for its beautiful beaches, culture, commerce, and tourism. It is a major transportation hub in Broward County.

Some of the local hot spots include:

Flood Risks in Hollywood

But the high humidity levels in this area can also lead to increased risks of water damage.

Riskfactor says that Hollywood faces a big flood risk. 20,812 out of 38,352 homes are at risk in next 30 years.

If you have water-related issues, don’t worry – we can take care of it. Our team will fix the problem the right way. Call us, and we’ll be there!

Your Local Water Damage Experts in Hollywood

Our team is IICRC-certified. We offer 24/7/365 emergency services in Hollywood, Florida. We can always be there when you need us most.

Our team can handle your problem. This prevents further damage, such as mold and harm to the building.

We hold the following industry-recognized certifications:

Don’t delay dealing with damage and its consequences any longer. Hollywood and the surrounding areas can call us. Get in touch with us today. 

IICRC certified

Our Hollywood Services

We provide water damage cleanup and repair services in Hollywood. From start to finish, we’ll make sure your home or business looks great again:

Free Inspection

Before starting, our skilled technicians will inspect the affected areas.

This free assessment lets us see the damage. Then, we can give you a clear quote for the needed restoration.

Emergency Response

If water gets where it shouldn’t be, you must react immediately. That’s why we’re here for you all the time in Hollywood – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

We have teams on call waiting to come over quickly. Call us, and someone will be at your place within an hour. They’ll check out what’s going on and start fixing it right away.

Advanced Restoration Equipment and Techniques

Our team has the best gear to handle any water mess. Our crews bring:

  • Thermal imaging cameras to detect hidden moisture
  • Truck-mounted extraction units for large-scale water removal
  • High-powered air movers and dehumidifiers for thorough drying
  • EPA-approved antimicrobial treatments to prevent mold growth
Pipe Leakage


It’s important to take action quickly to prevent further damage. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Call a restoration company.
  2. Turn off the water source.
  3. Remove any standing water.
  4. Open windows and doors to ventilate the area.
  5. Document the damage with photos and videos.

The signs can vary depending on the severity of the damage, but some common signs include:

  • Visible water
  • Musty odors
  • Mold growth
  • Warped or buckled floors
  • Discolored walls or ceilings

Each job site is unique, making it challenging to provide a cost estimate over the phone. Contact us for a free inspection and an accurate quote.

We can give you a rough idea of the factors that can affect the cost:

  1. The size of the affected area matters. A larger area needs more work and materials for restoration. This raises the cost.
  2. The damage is severe if it is extensive. In this case, the cost may be higher.
  3. Categories of damage vary. Clean water, grey water, or black water. Each requires a different treatment, which can affect the cost.
  4. If water damage has greatly damaged materials such as drywall, flooring, and furniture. The cost of fixing or replacing them will add to the cost.
  5. You may need extra services. They include mold remediation, odor removal, or content restoration. They can increase the total cost.

For smaller incidents, like a minor leak or a small affected area, restoration is quick. It can usually be done in a few days. This includes removing the water. Then, dry the affected areas and do any needed repairs or replacements.

But, for bigger incidents, such as flood, the restoration takes longer. It may take several days to a week to remove all the water. Then, we will dry the wet areas, fix any damage, and ensure that the property is safe to live in.

Keep in mind that factors affect the timeline. Factors include the size of the affected area. Also, the materials and equipment involved. Also, local building codes, which can affect it.

Water Damaged House

Why Choose Us?

When you choose 24/7 Service Pros of Hollywood, you benefit from:

So what are you waiting for? Call us today – we’ve got you covered!

emergency call

Other Services in Hollywood

We also offer, mold removal, fire and storm damage restoration in Hollywood.

Mold Remediation

If our experts find mold, they will safely remove it. They will use specialized equipment and procedures. By removing the mold quickly, we prevent more harm to your property. We also reduce health risks for you and your family.

Fire Damage Restoration

Our team has received specialized training in fire damage restoration techniques. We have the knowledge and skills to help you. To overcome the destruction from fires, we need them. Our goal is to fix your property to its pre-fire condition. We want to give you peace of mind during this tough time.

Storm Damage Restoration

We will work to fix your property if it’s been damaged by a storm. This means we can remove fallen trees. We can fix any damage to the structure. And we can ensure your space is safe again.

We Serve all South Florida

Contact us for help with any property damage in all South Florida.

We Work With All Major Insurance Companies in Hollywood

We understand the importance of a seamless restoration process. That’s why we work with all major insurance companies. We do this to ensure a hassle-free experience for our clients.
Insurance companies
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